Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bill Stilson-"Wife In Mirror,1966" Bearkin Neck painting

I had the film camera on wait this morning and missed a convcievable shot, left with only a short segment I can't post.

I found it. The painting in the Gallery. It was in the window near Motif Number one. Apparently the owner of the gallery painted it in 1966, or one like it. I remember it.
It really should be in the museum with Lane and Homer.

Of course, Kate, it was a year before The Memorial Hall Murder, and quite possibly before The Fogg Art Museum Murder.

Bill Stilson-"Wife In Mirror,1966" Bearkin Neck painting

I had the film camera on wait this morning and missed a convcievable shot, left with only a short segment I can't post.

I found it. The painting in the Gallery. It was in the window near Motif Number one. Apparently the owner of the gallery painted it in 1966, or one like it. I remember it.
It really should be in the museum with Lane and Homer.

Of course, Kate, it was a year before The Memorial Hall Murder, and quite possibly before The Fogg Art Museum Murder.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Invitation to view Scott Lord's Picasa Web Album - Scott Lord Nude

You are invited to view Scott Lord's photo album: Scott Lord Nude
Scott Lord Nude
Dec 20, 2010
by Scott Lord
Message from Scott Lord:
New photos of the present author
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